National Beach Cleanup Campaign 2019 Save Our Face

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It’s time for us as a nation to #SaveOurFace! and avoid having to face-palm each time one of our little ‘souvenirs’ lands upon our neighbor’s shores.

Coinciding with World Ocean Day,GCL participated in the national campaign to clean the Lebanese coast launched by the Ministry of Environment under the slogan “Save our faces”, which included the cleaning of about 120 sites, with the participation of a large number of associations and civil organizations and the fire brigade and school students.

GCL’s team was tasked with cleaning the beach. Since early morning, the volunteers have spread and begun to clean the beach and collect garbage and sorting it with custom bags, with a clear message: preserving the environment to maintain our health, our future and the future of coming generations.

During the campaign, the Minister of Environment Fadi Jrayssati inspected the work of the volunteers, and praised their efforts and their patriotic sense. Jrayssati said that this campaign has two messages: The first is that we are aware of the environmental impact on our economy and on the Lebanese tourism, and the need to support it for the job opportunities it provides to Lebanese youth; the second message is to those who leave their waste behind on the beach that this is not allowed and not acceptable!

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